Friday, May 6, 2011

Why The Beatles Are Better Than The Music Today

I understand and strongly believe that everyone has their own opinions, and that everyone can think differently, even great minds. I, also have opinions. Lots of them. While a lot of people may not agree with me, but I think what music is what it is today is ruined. I have nothing against modern pop today, I just don't listen to it, I listen to The Beatles and other rock and blues bands that make real music. Seriously, I barely consider rap a genre of music, auto-tune sounds like a dying cat, and male teen singers that sing like girls just won't do. The Beatles, a band of four lads who revolutionized music by their talent and lyrics, and not by their appearance or a song about being drunk. Of course, it's your opinion, and you can think whatever you want. All I'm saying is give real music a chance


  1. Samuel, ojalá te leyera Santiago Castillo, quien sólo escucha radio Disney y sus efímeras estrellas (tipo Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber y Taylor Swift)...

  2. Samuel, le leí a Santiago tu columna (traducida) y no comentó nada. Pero ayer íbamos al colegio y sonó su canción favorita, no sé reconocer el estilo, pero probablemente era reggaetón. Y preguntó: ¿Mamá, qué escribiría el Samy de esta canción? ¿Que hay que taparse los oídos?

    La Dominga, en cambio, se inspiró en tu blog y anda para arriba y para abajo con una vieja palm de Gonzalo, descargada, haciendo como que anota cosas para su blog. "El blog de Domi" le puso. ¿Y qué anotas Dominga? "Cosas interesantes, como el Sami".

  3. how dare you insult rap...

  4. Well, I like rap and it's a good way to show mad or angry emotions, but I hate the rappers that dress badly, curse, and make pathetic sex refrences. So Lil Wayne or 50 Cent are the ones i don't like so much
